My YDEV Story (Appreciation Post)

I like to say that YDEV kind of fell into my lap. I was struggling in the Special Education Program and my advisor was not very helpful. I went to see someone else to get their advise and they recommended I take the Intro to YDEV class with Corrine. While the first class we didn’t really discuss what YDEV is but I just felt a really great connection and vibe with Corrine and Rachel. All the students seemed excited to be apart of YDEV and I felt at ease there. After that first class I went to Rachel and Corrine and told them I wanted to switch. It was the best experience and decision of my life. They brought me the YDEV suite and immediately helped me change my class schedule and wrote up my graduation plan. Prior to that day I had no light at the end of the tunnel for when I would be graduating.

Since then I have never felt more passionate about what I was doing. I feel as though I have a purpose with the work I’m doing and I’ve gained more knowledge than I ever expected. I come to class and feel engaged in my learning and get to apply it directly to what I will be doing when I graduate in May. I feel like I finally found my people who I’ve made lasting connections with.

Now I talk about YDEV to anyone who wants to work with children because it has been so rewarding. I don’t where I would have been without YDEV. Not only have I never felt more secure in my school learning but these are people who genuinely want to help me in all aspects of my life. It’s like having a big, diverse, caring, second family.


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