Injustice as a Woman Surrounded by Boys

I think everyday unless you are a white,
MALE, you experience injustice. 
As a woman I have to work twice as hard to prove my worth and still get paid and treated as less. Many times I've been told that I am not as a good as a boy, I prefer to call most males boys because I feel like they aren't acting like men. In high school I knew I was the fastest swimmer on the entire team I could beat any of the boys but my coaches did not take me seriously and did not give me challenging work outs because they said the boys were "naturally stronger".

Recently I have felt overpowered by boys in some of my other classes as they feel they get to speak over me for some reason. News flash I CAN BE LOUDER. It stems though, from years and years of people telling and showing boys that they are better than women, that they have control over us, and that they can do whatever they want.
...Side note off of that thought if you haven't been following the #metoo on Facebook or Twitter about people opening up about their sexual assault stories you should be because it is a great movement and brave stories. 
 Overall I feel like women have gotten stronger and come together better than ever to work on the fact that boys don't own us and that we continue to show why we deserve to be equal.

*Disclosure: This hatred is directed at most men (boys) not all. Anyone reading this blogpost should not be offended because this is not directed towards you.*


  1. First off, I love your picture!!!! I am on the same side with you when it comes to the #metoo movement. I have been reading many story's to try to learn more about how we can change what is going on in the world and to help educate other people on this stand.


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